There are hundreds of road accidents in our country, most of which are preventable. Unfortunately, the consequences of road accidents are devastating as they can lead to severe trauma such as a permanent disability or even death.

Road accidents occur due to various reasons. In this article, we are going to look at the reasons for the occurrence of road accidents.

Let’s delve into specifics.

  • Over-speeding

There is a reason why speed limits are present. They are not a suggestion, nor a recommendation but are directives.

Drivers need to drive within the recommended speed limits. However, some drivers ignore such directives and end up causing fatal accidents that could be avoided. 

When driving within the recommended speeds, it is easier to come to a halt in case an obstacle is encountered. It also ensures your safety as well as that of other motorists and pedestrians.

In case you are charged with over-speeding, seek assistance from a Chicago speeding ticket lawyer.

  • Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the most common causes of road carnage. It has claimed the lives of many motorists and pedestrians as compared to other causes of road accidents.

Various reasons cause a driver to be distracted. Some of the common ones include the use of phones when driving, eating, or drinking while behind the wheel.

  • Drunk driving

Another major cause of road carnage is drunk driving. They are particularly common during the weekends and holidays when people tend to consume a lot of alcohol.

Chicago trusted attorneys advise that, as much as alcohol is consumed for enjoyment, it reduces response time and the ability of a driver to make split life-saving decisions. Also, it reduces the ability to focus, which significantly increases the chances of getting into an accident.

Drunk-driving related accidents are easily avoidable. One way is to make sure that the driver avoids alcohol consumption. If that is not an option, it is advisable to get a designated driver. 

  • Reckless Driving

Reckless driving is, basically, over-speeding, carelessly changing lanes, tailgating your fellow drivers as well as ignoring road signs. This is a common habit and a major cause of road accidents.

Most of the drivers who practice reckless driving do not care about the safety of their fellow drivers, pedestrians, and passengers. Most often than not, reckless driving goes hand in hand with driving under the influence (DUI) or an impatient driver who wants to get to their destination fast enough.

  • Weather conditions

Extreme weather conditions are also a common cause of accidents in the country. When it is rainy, drivers cannot see the road clearly, and accidents may occur. Sometimes, the road becomes overly wet, which may lead to cars losing grip on the road and skidding off the road, causing accidents.

The same case applies to the snow. It can be overly difficult to drive in the winter. As such, drivers are urged to avoid over speeding and maintain proper focus. 

To significantly reduce the number of road accident victims, motorists need to avoid doing the above things. That way, we are assured of safety on our roads.

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How to Deal with A Wrongful Death of A Loved One

If given an option, we would all want to live and spend all our lives with our loved ones forever. But the truth of the matter is that death is inevitable. Dealing with the loss of a loved one is one of the most emotional phases that you can encounter in life. Regardless of the cause of death, it can quickly drain you emotionally and physically as well. In some cases, you may lose a loved one due to negligence by another party, something that can be so hard to get over. However, life has to go on. If you have lost a loved one recently due to wrongful death, here are some tips that can help you deal with it;

  1. Accept the loss

Accepting that a person you love is no more is one of the hardest things to do. But the first step towards your healing is accepting that they are gone. This is not to say that you should pretend to be strong on the outside- no. Allow yourself to feel all the emotions and cry it out. This will, in turn, help you to grieve and eventually move on with life.

  1. Find a support group.

 Support goes a long way after losing a loved one. Typically, when people go through grief, they often isolate themselves. This can easily lead to depression and other illnesses. As such, it is always good to get support from your family members and friends. You can also join a local support group where you will be able to meet with other people going through the same. This will give you some comfort knowing that you are not the only one going through such, and at the end of it, you will be able to carry on with your normal life.

  1. Do things that make you happy.

We can agree to the fact that going back to your normal life can be tough. But doing things that you love can help you a great deal. Going to the gym, camping, reading books, hanging out with friends, or going on vacations are some of the things you can try. This will at least help you get your mind off the grief you are going through and focus on the other good things in life. If possible, tag along with a close friend as you engage in some of these activities as you will not only have fun together, but they will also offer some emotional support when need be.

  1. Hire an experienced wrongful death attorney

Dealing with all the legal processes after losing a loved one can be daunting. Amid all the emotions and hurt, it can be hard even to think straight. And that is where the need for a wrongful death lawyer comes in. The right lawyer will help you deal with all the legal processes and ensure that the case is handled accordingly.

Are you looking for a wrongful death attorney? Reach out to Anderson & Anderson to get the necessary help.

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Ways You Can Help Your Attorney Get the Best Car Accident Settlement

Car accidents take place from time to time. The incredible thing, though, is how fast victims are able to get back on their feet. This can be accredited to insurance companies as they help their clients do repairs, compensate for medical bills incurred, and other damages. It is, however, essential to note that this does not come easy. As a victim, you have to endure tedious claim processes. You can make things easy by working with a Toronto car accident lawyer. A good lawyer will give you guidance on what to do after the accident, and negotiate for the best settlement. Note that you also have a role to play: here is what you can do to help.

1. Preserve evidence

One of the best ways to help your attorney is by providing evidence. This should be collected at the time of the accident. Taking photos of the scene, the location of the accident and witnesses will go a long way. The more evidence you have, the higher your chance of winning the case. 

The other useful evidence to have is a police report. You are therefore advised to call the police as soon as you can to come to the scene. The evidence will collectively help you build a strong case.

2. Be patient

Do not be too eager to receive a settlement, as this might lead you to get an undervalued claim. Let your car accident attorney from Jasmine Daya & Co negotiate the claim you deserve. It is worth noting that the insurance adjuster will always come with a low offer if you accept it immediately you might miss out on the best claim. To get the best settlement, let your attorney take the lead. He or she can distinguish a reasonable compensation and one that is not. 

3. Avoid social media

We live in the digital age, and posting our life events on social media is tempting. However, this is not something you want to do if you are looking to have a successful car accident claim. The best way to help your attorney is by staying off socials. In your case, you might say that you sustained devastating injuries. However, if your social media pages show that you are fine, this might be used against you. Until the case is settled, you should remain silent. 

4. Get medical assistance

You will not be compensated for injuries unless you can prove that the accident has caused them. The only and best way to go about this is by producing medical records. Help your lawyer get you the best settlement by getting immediate medical attention. Medical reports, bills, and treatment journal will aid your car accident attorney in negotiating the best settlement for you.

As much as your attorney is trained or this case, your input will also be valuable. You can make the case better by helping with the collection of evidence, being patient, getting medical assistance, and staying away from socials. 

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Mistakes To avoid when choosing a car accident lawyer

After being involved in a car accident, the last thing you would want is working with the wrong car accident lawyer. Today there are a plethora of law firms with different types of attorneys, and this can make it overwhelming for you to choose one that will be able to represent you accordingly. It is, therefore, imperative to do your research before hiring one to be sure that they will have your best interest at heart. While doing your search, here are some mistakes that you should avoid by all means.

  1. Not checking if the attorney has a practicing license

Car accidents are quite common. And, typically, most people involved in car accidents will rush to get a car accident attorney. As a result, there has been an increase in the number of fraudsters who pretend to be car accident lawyers. If not careful enough, you might end up being a victim of fraud, which is something you do not want for yourself. As such, always seek to find out if the lawyer is licensed. The presence of a license tells that the lawyer is authorized to provide their services to you. Ask them to show you a clear copy of the license to ascertain that, indeed, it is real and that you can trust them.

  1. Not looking at the experience of the lawyer

While looking for any service provider, the experience is critical. You are in a better position working with a more experienced Hastings car accident lawyer compared to working with an amateur, and here’s why. For one, a more experienced attorney knows the ins and outs of the car accident claim processes. Secondly, they can be able to speed up the whole process as they already know what to do at what point and what should be prioritized. Lastly, the chances of an experienced attorney winning your settlement claim are high since most insurers already know what they are up against and will ensure that they comply to avoid going for trial. It is, therefore, crucial to always find out how long the attorney has been in business before hiring them. Do not be afraid to ask them for how long they have been in business and also ask them for some references from their previous clients.

  1. Forgetting to look at the lawyer’s reviews

Hiring a lawyer blindly without checking their online reviews could cost you a fortune. It is essential to get to know what other people are saying about that particular car accident lawyer. While the lawyer might be having the right documentation, it does not necessarily mean that they are the right one for you. Take your time and scheme through some of the online reviews as well as get referrals of the best car accident attorneys near you. Choose one with a good reputation and is known for their excellent services such as Conway, Pauley & Johnson, P.C.

  1. Considering costs only

Lastly, do not make a mistake of hiring a lawyer based on the charges only. You want to look at other factors alongside costs before making your decision. Keep in mind that the amount you will pay largely depends on other crucial variables as well.

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How To Know The Value Of Your Car Accident Settlement After An Accident

Being behind the wheels means that you should be ready for any uncertainties on the road, including car accidents. Car accidents vary in severity, while in some, you may get out not hurt at all; some may leave you with lifelong injuries. After being involved in one, it is advisable to always reach out to an experienced Salt Lake City car accident lawyer. This is so because they will help you out with the legal processes and ensure that you get the right settlement of your claims. One of the things that are paramount when filing for a car accident claim is knowing how to value it. And here are a few things that you need to look at while doing your calculations;

1. Look at the economic losses

After an accident, what most people often think about is the financial impact the accident has on them. And rightfully so. This is one of the things that you should definitely consider when trying to calculate the value of your claim. Some of the financial costs you can look at include medical bills, medical-related expenses, lost wages, other lost income, and damage to property, to mention a few. While doing your financial costs computation, ensure that you indicate all the costs you have incurred, even the slightest of them all. Fortunately, the economic damages are easy to compute, keeping in mind that most of them have some monetary value to them.

2. Factor in the non-economic damages

The other important thing you want to look at is the non-economic damages. These damages cannot be neglected because they affect your quality of life. Some of the non-economic damages include emotional distress, pain and physical suffering, loss of property, and permanent physical disability. The non-economic costs might be hectic to calculate, given that they do not have a monetary value attached to them. For this reason, it is advisable to work with a professional who can help you do the calculations of such damages. And this leads us to our next point; work closely with your attorney.

3. Work closely with your attorney

Yes, it is possible to get things done by yourself, but truth be told, it will be quite stressful. This is so because you will be seeing and using terms that you are not that familiar with. And this means that you will always have to keep on doing research all the time. Sadly, you might end up missing very crucial points when doing the calculations. To save you all that headache, work with reputable Craig Swapp & associates who will help you with the same. For one, they have enough knowledge on how to do the calculations, and secondly, they will be able to speed up the process keeping in mind they already have experience on the same.

Take Away

Knowing the value of your claim is vital. By following the above-mentioned tips, you can now be able to know the value of your claim and follow up with your insurance company accordingly.

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Why Hire Truck Accident Lawyer?

Have you been involved in a truck accident? Trucks, when fully loaded, weigh an average of over 30 times the standard car. This makes it harder to drive, and given the nature of trucking business, a little more likely to cause accidents. What’s more, given their weight, truck accident more often leads to significant injuries and damages. If therefore, you or your loved one is involved in a truck accident, you need to employ necessary measures to protect your legal rights as well as ensure that you are fairly compensated for any losses incurred.

Given the nature of the situation following a truck accident, among the most effective considerations is consulting a Milwaukee car accident lawyer. From their assessment, you can then plan on the best approach to handle the case, including hiring an experienced Milwaukee car accident lawyer. Hiring a truck accident lawyer offers several benefits, and here is why you should consider it over handling the case on your own.

The experience

Unlike accidents involving non-commercial cars, a truck accident means that you will not only be dealing with the insurance company but the trucking business as well. Noting the nature of trucking business, you can expect that they are armed with experienced lawyers and adjusters to mitigate the costs should their trucks be involved in accidents. Facing such teams can be quite frustrating, taking your case forever, especially if they are uncooperative or employ tricky measures to stall the case.

Experienced truck accident lawyers understand the ins and outs of the trucking business, meaning that they won’t be easily frustrated by the defense team tactics. With their legal knowledge, moreover, they are better positioned to pursue the case and deal with uncooperative parties, including suing them and representing your interests in a court of law.

The resources

While you can provide detailed information about the accident, you can miss some points, yet their contribution could be what is required to give your case an edge. Truck accident lawyers are resourceful, including affiliation with professionals such as accident reconstruction specialists. With their skills, the lawyers can cooperate with other parties such as the authorities and medical professionals to build a solid case. Such resourcefulness is all you need not just to pursue the car accident case but ensure that you protect your rights and receive better compensation.

Negotiation skills

While calculating the damages incurred, how likely are you to include emotional pain? Tangible elements are quite easy to quantify, but calculating non-financial losses can be challenging. Lawyers’ resourcefulness allows them to thoroughly assess the situation and establish the extent of damages done by the accident, including factoring in such non-financial concerns. This eases the calculation of the compensation you should receive, better than you can achieve with free online compensation calculators. With their negotiation skills, moreover, the lawyer can effectively deal with insurance companies, especially noting that they usually offer a lowball settlement requiring negotiations to arrive at a reasonable amount.You could be considering a car accident lawyer’s services with a view of navigating the legal process, but their contribution delivers numerous advantages. With their services, you can concentrate o the recovery process as handle the case, delivering favorable results than you could.

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4 Little-known Benefits of Hiring Criminal Defense Attorney

Criminal cases are allegations anyone involved would ever want to detach. It is such an intimidating experience nobody wishes to get involved. And most likely, you do not wish to fall victim to a crime you never committed. Thus, if it happens, hiring a Tampa criminal defense lawyer is the best decision you would ever have made.

See, the legal system is entirely complex, and the only person who can help navigate it, step by step, is a skilled criminal lawyer. It does not matter if you are guilty or innocent. You ought to have an experienced lawyer by your side. This move helps alleviate any possible mistakes that may lead to spending more money and could even lead to imprisonment. Without much ado, here are various ways in which a defense attorney can help you.

They possess Much Legal Knowledge and Experience

You may not have realized it, but the regulations and laws regarding criminal matters are ever in ceaseless influx. This connotes that you may not have the required knowledge and expertise in all policy updates. Also, hiring an experienced lawyer can be ideal since they are ever updated; thus, the best fit for the task.

Speed Up the Entire Process

Look: clearing your reputation and regaining your freedom are the core objectives of finding a criminal defense lawyer. Therefore, a good lawyer won’t hesitate to take action and mitigate all risks as quickly as they can.

Also, they will help file paperwork in good time, and that helps speed up the entire process. You know, handling the case yourself may experience several pitfalls that make the entire process long. So, hiring a criminal defense attorney can help speed up the process and save time and money.

Helps shield against Hefty Penalties

You have rights as a citizen. And your rights must be respected and observed at the same time. In some cases, you may be duped due to a lack of legal knowledge on matters pertaining to your rights. On the other side, hiring a defense lawyer assures you that the rights shall be protected.

A lawyer will always fight for the best services and mitigate any hefty penalties. In that event, you can get the entire penalty lifted up, lessened, or perhaps win the case. Also, it is important to have a lawyer who takes their time to let you know the possible consequences of your charges.

Can help in getting more information

Having a reliable source of information is good when you have a court issue. Always go for full package services that may include but not limited to: cross-examining witnesses, handling damage control for you, tracking down any key witnesses, preparing all the required documents, and finding suitable people who can testify regarding your case.

Bottom word

As you have seen, the best thing you can do to yourself is to have a defense attorney by your side whenever you are involved in a criminal case.

   You will leverage their experience e, industry expertise, and paper filing skills. Lastly, on this, next time you are involved in a criminal issue, consider finding the services of defense lawyers.

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4 Handy Pointers for Finding Personal Injury Lawyer

Someone’s negligence can lead to you getting hurt. In such a situation, you are entitled to compensation. However, a lot of people have not witnessed or involved in such incidents, so when it happens, they literally are not aware of where to start.

You know, the only help that can prove to be worth your bucks is hiring a personal injury lawyer. But the most challenging part is getting a lawyer who can significantly maximize your injury award. This post focuses on pointed aimed at helping you get the right personal injury lawyer fast.

Ask Some Questions

The fact is that you do not know much about your case. This connotes that you do not have much information on how to deal with the case. You are not aware of the seriousness of your case. Thus, you should consider asking some specific questions to the lawyer.

You can ask such questions when visiting their offices after booking an appointment or when searching for more information online. You can live-chat them via their website chat section. Make sure you listen to the answers as you find out which lawyers give timely answers and the attention you deserve as a client. All these aspects will be duplicated in your case. It is just some kind of test on their communication and service to clients.

Consider specialty

One of the key reasons to ask a few questions before hiring a lawyer is to help find out about their specialty. Remember, you want a lawyer who is fit for your injury. Thus, you need someone who entirely specializes in your type of claim.

However, there are firms,  such as Dickson Kohan & Bablove, LLP, that specialize in various types of injuries, such as dog bite injuries, slip, and fall injuries, work injuries, motorcycle injuries, and automobile injuries. Thus, if your case lies in any of the above-mentioned cases, you may not have to look further.

Meet with A Couple

After you make a selection of the potential lawyers or firms that you can consider hiring, it is time to book an appointment. In this appointment, you can ask the questions mentioned above. Also, you can try discussing your case so that you may know if they usually handle such type of cases and reveal to you the number of years they have been in this legal practice.

You can also ask for any certifications just to ascertain that they are registered with the right association in your state. Eventually, narrow your list down to get the right fit. At this stage, you consider all the aspects, including how they served you when you visited them.

Review their Payment Structure

Make sure to review the payment structure in advance. Though you may work on a contingency fee, it is good to find out if there are any other possible charges. Go for lawyers who are open about their payment structure.


You can get the best lawyer if you adhere to the handy pointers shared in this post. This article is purposely created to help you get the right legal representative who can help you get compensated for your loss. However, make a keen selection and ensure the payment structure is clear before you even sign any contract.

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Can I Legally Change My Name in Secret?

Yes, you can. It can be found in the Special Confidentiality program. When a person decides to change their name in secret, there can be a myriad of reasons they have decided to do that. Among the reasons, is if you’ve enrolled in a Witness Protection Program, or if you or your kids have been victims of abuse or are being stalked or if you have a legitimate reason to fear for your safety and/or your kids’ safety, etc. In the California Civil Code, some provisions allow you and your children the chance to change names in complete confidentiality (read California Civil Code §1277 (b) (c) and §1278(b). There’s a very confidential procedure used by the State of California that’s available to persons with any of these concerns. If you feel like your well-being or life is in danger and you want to ‘disappear’ to reclaim your life back, then the California Safe at Home Program is what you should be considering. You can gain access to the service via the Secretary of State of California where you can get additional information or get in touch with them via their website by clicking here. If you’re in one of the contending qualifying danger situations, the safety program has numerous other services you’ll hugely benefit from. They will establish a confidential new mailing address for you. You can even get a voter registration that’s confidential through them. Around 6,000 Californians are members of this program. In fact, California’s Safe At Home Program has been deemed the gold standard of these types of programs across the whole of America.

There are Legitimate Reasons for Changing Your Name in Secret But…

If you aren’t in any of the mentioned danger scenarios, you can still legally change your name in quietly. But the California Name Change laws under CCP Section 1275-1279.5 require you to publish ads and file your petition publicly. The reason for the publication is to make the Name Change public to everybody in the community and allow them an opportunity to object. But objections are extremely rare.

However, the Confidential Name Change process doesn’t apply to everybody. Sometimes changing your name in secret can be impossible. So does it apply to you? That’s a fundamental and personal question to ask. If it turns out to be for you, then it’s integral to know what you’re getting into. To find the best legal name change course of action, you should contact name change experts at EZ Name Change. They can direct you on how to go about it and get you ready for the rest of your life with the name you purposefully chose!

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What Does It Take to Become a Lawyer?

A lawyer is a person who is licensed to practice law. He or she represents clients in court or offer legal advice regarding business or personal affairs. A lawyer may also prepare legal documents, conduct depositions, interview witnesses, argue court motions, and conduct trials.  Most lawyers specialize in a particular area of law, such as divorce law, criminal law, immigration law, or real estate law. 

If you want to become a lawyer, there are certain education requirements you need to satisfy. These requirements include:

  1. Acquire Undergraduate Degree

All law schools require a person to have an undergraduate degree. If you want to choose a career in the legal field, you should keep your GPA above 3.0. There are no required courses or recommended majors for law school admission.  However, for somebody who has interest in property law, they will need to have a degree in math or technical science like electrical engineering or computer science. This is because the property lawyer has to sit for the patent bar and it requires technical science or math degree.

  1. Take the Law School Admission Test [LSAT]

For you to get admission into law school, you have to undertake and pass the Law School Admission Test [LSAT]. The test is administered by the Law School Admission Council [LSAC] and is used to test your reading, reasoning, comprehension, and critical thinking skills, and it takes a half a day to finish. 

Even though the test is not the greatest measure of how an individual will perform in the law school, many law schools tend to consider these scores. If you take the tests and feel that you didn’t do well, you may choose to redo the test.

  1. Acquire Juris Doctor Law Degree

Law school generally lasts for three years and results in a Juris Doctor degree. You start your law school by taking courses in legal writing, constitutional law, property law, torts, and torts. Then you take elective courses based on your interest, such as tax law, corporate law, or labor law. While in law school, you may attend legal clinics, partake mock trials, or write for any law firm,  

  1. Participate in a clerkship [optional]

As a law student, you may get the opportunity to complete summer or part-time clerkship. Clerkship basically allows you to gain experience by working in a law firm, such as a medical malpractice law firm. You can also work in a government agency or corporate office. In some cases, clerkship may lead to an employment offer once you have graduated. 

  1. Write and pass the bar exam

The last step to becoming a lawyer is to write and pass the bar exam. The bar exam is not easy. The passing mark varies from one state to another. But in most states, the passing rate is 40%. The bar exams typically contain essay questions and multiple-choice that assess your knowledge of state law and how you can apply the law to various scenarios. 

Now that you are a qualified and licensed lawyer, you can choose to become a divorce lawyer, personal injury lawyer, car accident lawyer, or any other area of law depending on your interest.

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